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Reaching widespread adoption for businesses to exchange electronic remittance (e-remittance) information – or details about a payment – with each other remains a primary goal of the Business Payments Coalition (BPC). This is a challenge for the industry primarily due to the unstructured format and detached delivery of remittance information. The BPC is committed to addressing major provider and end user pain points in sharing e-remittance information. As such, the BPC supports industry efforts to align on a common core of remittance content and delivery methods that promote broad adoption of e-remittance data. E-remittance capabilities play an important role in reducing payment application costs and improving overall efficiency. All companies, regardless of size, can benefit from the modernization of delivery of e-remittance information to help reduce payment application costs and improve efficiency.

The BPC convened industry work groups to establish the exchange of e-remittance information on an exchange framework. An exchange framework is an electronic delivery network based on a set of technical standards and policies to allow businesses to securely share electronic supply chain documents with one another.

Watch the video below, for an overview of an exchange framework. Learn more about BPC work group efforts below.

Recent Updates

E-remittance Exchange Pilot

From September 2023 to June 2024 the Business Payments Coalition convened industry stakeholders to conduct an E-remittance Exchange Pilot (Off-site). The goal of the pilot was to test a virtual network, known as an exchange framework, that enables businesses of all kinds to exchange e-remittance information. With the pilot now complete, the e-remittance data model supporting all payment methods is now available for integration into existing exchange framework networks. Learn about the work of the E-remittance Exchange Pilot, download the BPC’s e-remittance data model and explore resources, implementation reference guides and more here.

Remittance Delivery Validation Report

In the summer of 2023, the BPC and Federal Reserve’s Remittance Delivery Work Group completed a validation phase (Off-site), where they demonstrated an exchange framework can both facilitate the exchange of e-remittance information and enable straight-through processing, regardless of accounting system or payment method used. With the validation phase complete, the work group unanimously recommended moving to a pilot phase using the Digital Business Networks Alliance’s (DBNAlliance) exchange framework as a testing platform. The work group published their findings and recommended next steps in the report below.

Remittance Delivery Assessment Work Group Report

In late 2021, the BPC formed the Remittance Delivery Assessment Work Group to determine the viability and potential of an exchange framework that would support the U.S. market’s exchange of remittance information across all payment types. Read the press release announcement (Off-site). The work group published their assessment report following evaluation of the electronic invoice (e-invoice) exchange framework, where they determined it is feasible to establish a remittance exchange framework with some minor adaptations. Read more about their findings and next steps in the report below.

Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X9 Publishes ISO® 20022 Remittance Content Market Guide

Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X9’s ISO® 20022 Market Practices Forum recently released the ISO 20022 Remittance Content Market Guide (Off-site) to clarify what ISO 20022 remittance information to use with business-to-business (B2B) payments. The guide includes detailed information and real-world examples to assist with the implementation of ISO 2022 and simplify integration into accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) systems. It also provides guidance for sending remittance information within or separate from the payment, allowing flexibility to meet varying business needs. Read more about what’s included in the guide, why it matters and how this progress will further advance straight-through-processing for B2B payments.

The BPC held an informative webinar about the guide on June 28, 2022. Watch the full webinar recording Remittance Information for B2B Payments in Practice: How to Improve Cash Application (Off-site) and download the webinar presentation (PDF).


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